Monday, December 27, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Busted lip

OUCH!!! Hailey was chasing my birthday balloon around the house and tripped on Clutch's leg. She didn't even have time to put her hands out in front of her. Luckily no stitches were needed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas

Christmas card photos and decorating the tree!

Being Silly

As Ryan and I were putting clean sheets on our bed we realized Hailey would fit into the pillowcase. She thought this was wonderful. Ryan swung her around and let her peak out every now and again. All we could hear was Hailey's muffled giggles coming from inside the pillowcase. Once again I find myself asking, "why do we buy toys?"

My First Black-Friday

Hailey got up really early with me on Black-Friday to embark on her first major shopping adventure. Daddy was gone fishing but left a huge wish list for himself. We left the house at 4:30 am and didn't get back until after 9. She survived the whole thing including sitting in the line at Target for an hour.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My little chatter box!

Hailey was busy chatting on the phone with "daddy!" She carried this phone around while talking and singing for almost a half hour, all while walking around the house. Such a multi-tasker.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch and Carving

We went to Bauman Farms last weekend, Saturday with the Smidt side and Sunday with the Gray side. We had a great time and Hailey was wiped out both days. This weekend we picked up our pumpkins from Grandma and Papa Smidt and got busy carving them. Hailey thought it was ok. She didn't want to touch the "guts" but had a good time taking the spoons and running around the garage. Maybe next year she'll really get into it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hailey loves to tote things around the house and really likes this belt of Ryan's because it "clinks" when she walks. Since she was playing with the belt and the headlamp, Ryan decided to dress her up. She thought it was great!

15 Month Stats

Hailey is growing "up" like crazy! "Out"...not so much. She's 31.5 inches tall and weighs a whopping 20.5 pounds. Such a skinny- minny. She is talking up a storm and becoming very opinionated. She now says: Momma, Dadda, banana, Don (boy at daycare), eat, drink, night-night, and hey. She can sign for washing her hands and has her own version for more. I can't believe how fast this is going.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mastering the stairs

Hailey has been practicing going up and down the stairs at Grandma and Papa's house. I think she has finally gotten the hang of it. Now if mommy would just put her in stretch pants instead of jeans she could go fast!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

NIght Night

Hailey has been talking up a storm. She can (meaning when she wants to) say juice, eat, banana, night night, num num, woof woof, open, up and Don (a little boy at daycare). When she is ready for a nap or ready to go to bed she grabs her blankey says night night and finds a place to lay down or tries to climb in your lap. Here is a picture of her laying on the floor waiting for someone to put her in the crib....Maybe now is the time to change the crib into the toddler bed, then she can put herself to sleep when she is ready.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to school :(

Summer is over and we're back to our early mornings. Hailey was overjoyed to go to Patti's house on her first day of "school" this year. What a ham!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Aren't I beautiful?

Every mornng while I get ready Hailey manages to keep herself entertained in the bathroom. She toddles back and forth to the pile of toys that I keep in the bedroom. Sometimes she just sits and watches and other mornings she strategizes on how to get to the toilet paper roll before I snatch her away! I left the bathroom to make the bed and when I went back to get her this is what I found!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

March of the Penguin!

After many weeks of hanging onto furniture and walls Hailey is starting to waddle on her own (Ryan thinks she looks like a penguin). She is really catching on and is realizing that she can walk and fall without getting hurt. For the last 2 weeks she was trying to drag one leg behind herself in order to maintain balance. Unfortunately her "peg-leg" was really causing her to fall. Hailey is now bending her legs and taking off. As always this is on her terms. Whenever I try and show her off and put her down she pulls her legs up so she doesn't have to stand. What a stubborn little girl we have! Please excuse the ceiling view in the video since I set my phone down to help Hailey up.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

South Beach

Here are some pictures from our South Beach trip with the Smidt family.

Videos for Dad

Ryan has been traveling a lot this summer, so I have been trying to take videos and lots of pictures to send to him. Hailey has personality has really started to "shine." After I shoot the video Hailey loves to sit and watch the little girl on the screen. She laughs at the things that are happening and is just fascinated by the baby. Hailey loves to play with her ball. She will sit and push, bounce and throw the ball back and forth with me. She will chase the ball and use the cupboards or wall to play with herself. She is growing so fast!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I took Hailey swimming yesterday and she loved it! She kicked her legs and rode in the ladybug floaty. Towards the end she finally got the hang of splashing her hands. I'm so excited to spend the summer swimming with her!