Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Hailey!

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. Hailey is getting so big and so independent. Her little controlling and stubburn ways are just like Ryan and I. Hailey's personality is so mellow and calm. She always (almost) seems happy and content but she does like things to be her way. She has started screeching when she doesn't get what she wants and will even stick out her pouty lips to look cute. Hailey's lip still shivers when she is cold or starting to get upset. This has been an amazing year and I look forward to many more to come.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today is finally warm enough for shorts! Check out my chunky legs.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer fruits!

My first taste of watermelon and canteloupe. Not sure about the watermelon, it wasn't 100% ripe. The canteloupe was delicious!


Hailey is doing it! I'm so relieved and excited to finally see her moving and grooving. On Tuesday night we had a physical therapy session and Karen was baffled by the fact that Hailey could not crawl. It seemed that no matter how bad she wanted something she couldn't figure out how to get her legs to move. Since she is cruising and dancing while standing up, Karen couldn't figure out why she couldn't get the crawling movement down.
Wednesday morning Hailey crawled backwards at daycare.
Fast forward to Saturday. I left Hailey in our bedroom just outside the bathroom door while I was getting close out of the laundry room. I came back and Hailey was gone and the bathroom door was closed. I opened the door slowly to see Hailey crawling (forward) back and forth across the floor. As soon a she saw me, she sat down and started to cry. She doesn't really seem to enjoy the crawling but she will if she wants something otherwise she would prefer to cruise around.
She has discovered how to pull the nightlights out of the plugs and leave them on the floor behind her. The dogs follow and chew them up.


We planted our first garden! Hailey was so patient and sat on her blanket and played while we worked. We got out the swing and had to hang it from a tree branch and a ladder. Scary! She didn't seem to mind at all and had a great time. I can't wait to have fresh veggies. Now let's all hope this rain doesn't wash it away.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hailey has discovered cruising! She has been busy for the last few weeks moving from one steady object to another. Yesterday she discovered she can cruise down the hall and into the bathroom by using the wall for balance. She likes to peak around the corner just to make sure you are still there. I'm starting to wonder if she is checking for safety or to see what she can get away with!