Thursday, February 10, 2011

Skinned Knees

Hailey got her first skinned knee, times 2. Poor thing! We were walking across the street to get the mail and she thought it would be great to run...and then the obvious happened. OUCH! She only cried for a minute. Tonight (1 day later) she has little bruises on her palms from where her hands hit the pavement :(

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Waiting for Daddy

Ryan has been working a lot of night shifts over the last few months. It is very rare for Hailey to see him in the evening. On this particular night, I knew Ryan was going to be home early. I saw the van go past the front window and told Hailey, "Daddy's home!" She ran to her little windo by the front door and waited. She was so excited to see his face come around the corner.

Bath Time with Diesel

During Hailey's bath, Diesel started barking at me for water. Of course I couldn't leave her in the tub so I scooped up some water and let him drink from my hand. Shortly after that Diesel jumped in the tub and started lapping up the sudsy water. Hailey didn't even blink an eye about sharing her space with him, she just kept organizing her toys on the ledge.

Troll Hair

Hailey's hair is getting so long! She throws a screaming fit every morning when I try and pull it back for her. Hmmm...I wonder where she learned that from? It is very rare for her to even let me "style" it when she is in the tub. On this evening I was really happy Ryan was home to grab the camera and start snapping away.


Hailey has discovered the joy of putting olives on her fingers.